Is My Promise Delayed?

Lord, You Said… You would give me the desires of my heart

My thoughts are not your thoughts

…Until it is made known unto you.

Now - I (the Lord) have made Myself known to you.

As I have spoken in your hearing…

Now- it creates

The distractions are meant to distort and delay the manifestations of my Glory.

It is my good will, that you shall hear, understand, and believe.

 (Psalm 37:4, John 14:26, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 11:15)

At The King’s Life Coaching, we are passionate about empowering individuals to boldly live purpose-driven lives, free from the mental and spiritual chains that hinder their potential.

Are you ready to pursue God’s purpose for your life?

Learn more about our services.


It’s Ok to Take a Break From Being Strong for Everyone Else


WHY?…Am I Struggling