How the Sound of a 'Little' Anxiety and Depression Blocks the Sound of God

Consider this Analogy

You’re sitting in a classroom, listening intently to receive detailed instructions regarding your upcoming project. Just as the instructor begins to speak, one of your classmates begins to ask you multiple questions. Although you attempt to ignore your classmate, the mere sound of their voice has disrupted your ability to focus and muted the voice of the instructor.  You were able to hear some of the instructions, but due to this distraction, you missed key information.  

This analogy demonstrates the significant effects of how repetitive thought patterns of worry, fear, anger, sadness, and self-doubt, to name a few, will limit one's ability to hear the time-sensitive instructions provided by the Lord. 

Coping to Conquering

What is the difference between coping and conquering?

  • Coping involves adjusting or tolerating.

  • Conquering is the process of successfully overcoming.

Let’s consider the implications of coping and conquering in relation to the analogy above.

  • Coping: Tolerating the adverse effects of distracting thought patterns may cause an increase in confusion and frustration or more importantly delay true intimacy with God.

  • Conquering: When someone is empowered to conquer the repetitive thought patterns, the individual is equipped to clearly hear the sound of God and receive strategies to overcome.

  • Are you ready to stop the roller coaster effect of distracting thought patterns?

At King’s Life Coaching, we are passionate about empowering you to overcome challenges while supporting you through the journey to freedom and a purpose driven life.

Learn more about our services.


WHY?…Am I Struggling


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